Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Kittens

Last Saturday before we went out of town, Chicklet #1 went outside to feed Izzy (the stray that took up residence at our house over the winter) and found that she had had kittens. There were three and they were the cutest things ever. There was 2 calico’s and one tabby. The tabby and one calico had bobbed tails like their mom.

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Sadly, when we got home on Sunday, both of the bobbed tail kittens had not made it. The chicklets were sad but Eric explained to them that there was probably something wrong with them and that was Gods way of taking care of them. They were okay after that.


They named the kitten Checkers. It is so sweet. Its eyes are open and it is starting to move around more.


If we leave the front door open too long, Izzy picks the kitten up and takes her into Chicklet #1’s bedroom and puts it on the pillows. It is so funny. We have to be quick or Izzy is in the house before we know it.


Kittens are so cute when they are little. Now we just need to find homes for both Izzy and the kitten.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter

This Easter we had a lovely time at the chicklets Nana’s house. They played outside in the lovely sunshine on Saturday. I walked around the yard and took pictures of all of the flowers that were blooming. It was just beautiful.


This tree was alive with bees. There were hundreds of them gathering nectar from the blooms.


The wisteria was covered in bees also. I could not pass up this beautiful shot. I wish the bees wings would have shown up iridescent like they were in real life.    

After church on Sunday we had to stand in front of the tree and have our yearly Easter picture taken. This is a family tradition.


After lunch, we all went outside for the Easter egg hunt. 


Chicklet #1 and I made a cake for Amy’s birthday. She had requested a cake with daisies all over it so that is what we gave her. It turned out beautifully.


 I hope all of you had a beautiful Easter too. 


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chicklet #1 is 10

On Tuesday, Chicklet #1 turned 10  and made her mommy feel really old. How is my little girl 10? Where did the time go?

We had a cookout on Saturday to celebrate her big day. She had a couple of girl friends over and family for some of Eric’s famous Bar-B-Que. Her birthday also coincided with our final cake in course three of the cake decorating class so we were able to use our cake as her birthday cake.  It was fun to create and even more fun to eat.  I made a yellow butter cake with chocolate butter cream icing on the outside and strawberry butter cream icing between the layers. Yum Yum.


She had lots of fun playing with her friends and we tie dyed shirts which was a big hit with the kids of all ages.

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Notice the two big ones in the middle of it all. I was only helping the girls but I enjoyed it.


Amy and I looked real good going to work on Sun. night with colored fingers. The kids loved it so I guess that is the important part. 

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!