This year I made the most delicious Cupcake Bites to take to the school for Chicklet #2 to share with her friends.
These were the best cupcakes I have ever put in my mouth. If you have the time to make them, they are worth the try.
The sweet lady on her left is her teacher and the sweet one on the right is her Para-pro. I just love them both. They are so good to my child.
That evening we went out to eat Japanese at our favorite restaurant. Her Nana, Aunt Amy and Mr.... Bill came over to eat with us. We had a ball like always. Chicklet #2 had to wear a crown to dinner so everyone would know it was her special day.
Chicklet #1 even received presents.
Everyone fought over the last few cupcake bites. Chicklet #2 had a wonderful birthday this year.